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Ways to Help Taylor

  • CIRCLE June 11th ON YOUR CALENDAR and VOTE Taylor Bell for State Senate. Every vote counts! If you’re planning to be out of town or have health concerns, vote absentee! You can do so by following the steps here.


  • MAKE PHONE CALLS. Now, more than ever, making calls to encourage voters to support Taylor is the best way to contact voters. If you want to make calls from home, please get in touch with the campaign at 803-730-2385 to get a list of voters to call.


  • SHARE AND LIKE ON SOCIAL MEDIA. We need your help to increase our followers on social media. Please take a moment today to LIKE AND SHARE our Facebook page: Taylor Bell for SC Senate. Follow the campaign on Instagram: @taylorbellforscsenate. It’s the easiest way to help get our message out to the community. If you need instructions on how best to ‘Share our Page,’ click here.


  • MAKE A FINANCIAL INVESTMENT. Campaigns cost money, especially in these political times. Please consider making an investment in Taylor Bell’s campaign so that we can get our message out using signs, direct mail, and online advertising. To contribute to the campaign, please click the donate button.


  • DIY VIDEO ENDORSEMENT. Make your own video for your social media pages. Explain why you’re supporting Taylor Bell in less than 3 minutes and remind people about the June 11th election. Encourage people to vote absentee. Let us know when you’ve posted something so we can “share” it with others.


  • EMAIL, CALL, WRITE! Tell your friends why they should vote for Taylor. Take a few minutes to call, text, and email your neighbors and let them know why Taylor is the right choice. 


  • SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOR. Take a few minutes to write a letter to the editor and submit it to your local newspaper. This is a quality way to get out the reason why you’re supporting Taylor.


  • REQUEST A YARD SIGN OR BUMPER STICKER. Let your neighbors know you support Taylor Bell . We will have a volunteer drop a sign-off at your home. To make your request, call or email the campaign at 

Other Ways to Help

Thanks for submitting!

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